On Tuesday 24th, October 2006 the maiden flight of the new advanced high performance single engine four-seat SuperCobra was conducted by the Czech aircraft manufacturer Evektor. The all-metal SuperCobra with retractable landing gear, powered by 315 HP Lycoming IO-580A1B, made its first take off at 12:15 p.m. from the Kunovice international airport where the Evektor base is located and made two 30 minute successful demonstration flights for initial aircraft flight testing.

“It’s a real predator in the sky. I’m very impressed with the SuperCobra’s amazing performance – rate of climb and high cruise speed. With its cockpit comfort it will be a fantastic touring airplane” reported Evektor¥s test pilot (INSERT FIRST NAME HERE) Charvat, who has already tested the preceding 200 HP model VUT100 Cobra.

The Evektor designed the SuperCobra with outstanding performance parameters – top cruise speed 175 kts, range 1000 nm and useful load 1260 lbs. The SuperCobra is a unique fusion of power, timeless design, elegance and superior cabin comfort. The airplane’s luxurious cabin is the widest in its class and includes as standard equipment state-of-the-art glass cockpit avionics. The first deliveries are planned after completion of EASA CS-23 / FAA FAR-23 certification at the beginning of 2008; deliveries of the previous 200 HP Lycoming model VUT100 Cobra which is on its way to EASA certification are scheduled in the second half of 2007.

The Cobra is going to be introduced at the largest GA airshows in Europe and USA next year, including Germany¥s Aero in Friedrichshafen and Oshkosh Airventure in the US.



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